Discover the Powerful Business Benefits of a Content Hub: From Skyrocketing Lead Generation to Shaping Your Reputation




As a business owner, you’ve probably seen wildly inconsistent results from every lead generation strategy you’ve tried.


Maybe paid ads promised you big returns, but only led to one or two new leads…


You’ve shared your business details on each of the leading directories – but struggled to rise above the sea of competitors.


Lead generation can be a frustrating and time-consuming task, but there are several different strategies and platforms you can use to shortcut your way to magnetizing prospective customers.


One fool-proof route to generating high-quality leads?


A well-designed, SEO-optimized content hub: filled with actionable advice and thought-leadership content for your target market.


An independent content hub showcases your expertize and sharpens your brand voice: allowing you to quickly build rapport with your prospects – leading to a steady stream of highly-targeted leads. In addition, a unique content hub also offers several other benefits. Read on to learn more.


H1 Generate Targeted Leads While You Sleep, Eat, and Run Your Business


A sleek, SEO-optimized content hub will help a generate a consistent influx of ongoing leads 24/7– allowing you to focus on running the other elements of your business.


As a business owner, you’ll know that the majority of your prospects begin their search for answers to their most burning questions online. Currently,4 out of 5 people use the internet to find out more information on a topic of interest.


While almost every business offers a website blog, a content hub is an independent resource that provides the kinds of detailed, targeted information your prospects are looking for.


Going beyond a basic blog and creating an independent content hub is one of the quickest ways to build your authority with your target market, as you highlight you expertize on a wide range of topics.


This, in turn, drives engagement as your prospects are inspired to comment, share, and sign-up to newsletters and trials of your products and services.


A content hub works around the clock to promote your value, drawing more and more prospects into your sales funnel.


H2 Out-Fox the Competition: How to Create a Content Hub That’s a Cut Above the Rest


More and more business owners are wising up to the value a content hub can provide. That’s why your own content hub needs to stand out and go beyond offering basic, 500-word blog posts.


How do you ensure your hub drives traffic and engages everyone who lands on your page?


First, offer a variety of different content types. A dynamic content hub, offering several different forms of content, will engage every type of prospect: from those who enjoy diving into a detailed article, to those looking for quick-fire information in the form of a video.


Screenshot from Deluxe – Small Business Revolution.


You can draw prospects in by providing a combination of:


  • Video content–74% of marketers say video content is more powerful for generating leads than blog content alone.


  • White papers– convey your authority and offer a solution to one of your prospects’ most frustrating pain points.


  • FAQ pages– answer queries for prospects as soon as they land on your page.


  • E-books– provide more in-depth guidance and help your prospects meet their goals with an e-book.


  • Thought leadership articles– help differentiate your voice from your competitors, humanize your brand, and present your expert knowledge of the industry.



In addition, it’s also important to offer content that your target audience is interested in. How can you ensure you’re promoting content your intended audience wants to read?

Screenshot from Digitalist Magazine. 

  1. Carefully track your traffic stats: which content performs the best?


  1. Undertake market research, from phone-calls to email surveys – ask your current customers what they want to see on your content hub.


  1. Take a look at the high-performing content on your competitors’ websites. Which posts have the most views, comments, and shares? How can you use these topics to inspire your own content map? Take inspiration, but don’t steal – your audience is looking for a unique slant.




How Long Have You Really Got to Win Your Prospects Over?


How long do you have to make a strong first impression on your prospects? Just 7 seconds. A beautifully designed, intuitive, and easy-to-read content hub will win your prospects over.


Almost instantaneously – just seconds after arriving on your content page, your prospect will be calculating a number of things about your business in their head:


  1. How powerful are you in the industry?
  2. Can I trust you?
  3. What can you do for me?
  4. …And can you do it well?


How can you guarantee your content interface succeeds in making a great first impression?

Screenshot from Business Sprint.


  1. Opt for a simple, easy-to-navigate layout to avoid overwhelming users: include clear headlines, tabs for each form of content available, and don’t clutter your page with images, icons, logo, and text.


  1. Test your page for load times: 53% of people will leave a page thattakes longer than 3 seconds to load.


  1. Include a contact box or chatbot to capture leads more effectively.


  1. Engage prospects with high-quality images.


  1. Include links to your social media sites to promote social media shares and follows.



H2 Step Up Your Content Marketing and Powerfully Shape Your Reputation

The new kid on the content marketing block, content hubs are already winning your competitors a large share of your target market. Content hubs are a powerful marketing tool that effectivelycapture leads and develop your status as a knowledgeable industry leader.


Interested in setting up a content hub for your business?


To get started, download our step-by-step guidefor a walk-through on how to build a killer content hub.


Looking for more tips on how togenerate high-quality leads for your business? Check out our past post on how to master lead generation with email marketing.